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Undergraduate Students

Alexander Stivers

Undergraduate Research Assistant


I entered undergraduate research over the summer through SURF because I wanted to see if I'd enjoy being a researcher and to get research experience to make entering research easier.  I aim to get involved in immunological research after graduating and  help create vaccines for antibiotic resistant bacteria. In my free time I make art, play video games and exercise.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) Symposium Abstract 

Namitha Bhat

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) Symposium Abstract 


Wesley Alejandro

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Wesley is a Human Biology major at UC Merced, class of 2021. Wesley first entered research as an assistant at the Translational Research Center, where he has studied public health issues such as childhood traumas, nicotine and drug use, and immigrant vaccination rates. In Dr. Kranzfelder's lab for biology education, Wesley was able to study the relationships between the COVID-19 pandemic and remote teaching. After graduating, Wesley hopes to continue research that focuses on marginalized communities.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) Symposium Abstract 


Tin Tran

Undergraduate Research Assistant



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