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Graduate Student Researchers


Cristine Donham

PhD Candidate


Educational background: I received a B.S. in Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry and Certificate in Biotechnology with an emphasis in Stem Cell Research from California State University, Long Beach. I then received a master's in QSB from UC Merced. Research interests: My research interests include the development of the immune system in dysregulated environments as well as metacognition, instructor discourse, and studying the effects of emergency remote transitioning on instructors. Teaching Interests: My teaching interests are wide, but my favorite class to work with is Bio 1 because it is such an important foundational course for our student body.


Jourjina Alkjouri

PhD Candidate


Jourjina Alkhouri is a graduate student in Quantitive and Systems Biology, specifically working on Microbial Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance. Although she's passionate about her bench work, she takes special interest in undergraduate education and is currently conducting education research, studying Instructor Discourse Move patterns at UCM.